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The *DAV formats are a shitshow to begin with, but god beware you have multiple CalDAV calendars and want to use something as basic as seeing free/busy times when scheduling something.
Sometimes I wonder if the committee who made these standards had an agenda to make them deliberately awful and shitty.

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I risked a glance at Bluesky.
We're all doomed.
No, really. I knew what a shitshow social media in general has become, but... holy shit.
A massive, algorithmically accelerated amalgamation of bubbled up circlejerks full of terminally online maniacs.

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@be4foss You know what I really don't get? @kde putting out a flyer, and advertising for Ubuntu on it. A distribution where KDE always was second-tier at best. Instead of advertising for some really great beginner-friendly distribution like @opensuse Tumbleweed/Kalpa.

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Representative poll finds that Swiss see their direct democracy (and the resulting accordance government) as the by far biggest factor in providing societal cohesion. Followed by the dual educational system, federalism, and military/civil service.

Other polls also found the Swiss to be significantly more trusting in their government institutions than other countries' people are.

Maybe things a few troubled "democracies" could learn from.

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«Es lohnt sich an dieser Stelle ein Blick ins Geschichtsbuch. Denn was heute als Tabubruch gilt, war in der jungen Bundesrepublik gar nicht unüblich. Konrad Adenauer, der erste Bundeskanzler und CDU-Übervater, koalierte jahrelang mit der Deutschen Partei (DP), einem Sammelbecken für ehemalige NSDAP-Mitglieder. Drei Minister dieser Partei sassen in seinem Kabinett. Die DP stand deutlich weiter rechts als die heutige AfD – und doch ging die noch junge deutsche Demokratie daran nicht zugrunde. [...] Das heisst nicht, dass die derzeitigen Entwicklungen nicht ernst genommen werden sollten. Ja, die AfD ist eine Gefahr für die offene Gesellschaft, die Verharmlosung der Partei wäre ein Fehler. Aber vielleicht hilft ein Blick in die Geschichte, um die gegenwärtige Hysterie zu dämpfen. Die deutsche Demokratie hat schon ganz andere Stürme überstanden.»

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#OpenAI etc. can go fuck themselves. They're (still) request-bombing and basically DDoSing smaller sites, and the site owners are left with the problem.
We had to shut down the public issue tracker and code browser of a project I am involved in due to them.
I hate these companies, and everyone who works for them or pays them money, with every fiber of my being.
People don't care, people are greedy, so when they can get something for very cheap or free, they take it, not caring about what kind of behavour they enable, and who suffers for it. It's "someone else's responsibility/fault".
That's also why I have no hope that those companies will go under.
#LLM #AI #DeepSeek

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